Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Biography of William Walker, Yankee Imperialist
Biography of William Walker, Yankee Imperialist William Walker (May 8, 1824–September 12, 1860) was an American adventurer and soldier who served as president of Nicaragua from 1856 to 1857. He tried to gain control over most of Central America but failed and was executed by firing squad in 1860 in Honduras. Fast Facts: William Walker Known For: Invading and taking over Latin American countries (known as filibustering)Also Known As: General Walker; the grey-eyed man of destinyBorn: May 8, 1824 in Nashville, TennesseeParents: James Walker, Mary NorvellDied: September 12, 1860 in Trujillo, HondurasEducation: University of Nashville, University of Edinburgh, University of Heidelberg, University of PennsylvaniaPublished Works: The War in Nicaragua Early Life Born into a distinguished family in Nashville, Tennessee, on May 8, 1824, William Walker was a child genius. He graduated from the University of Nashville at the top of his class at the age of 14. By the time he was 25, he had a degree in medicine and another in law and was legally allowed to practice as both a doctor and lawyer. He also worked as a publisher and journalist. Walker was restless, taking a long trip to Europe and living in Pennsylvania, New Orleans, and San Francisco in his early years. Although he stood only 5-foot-2, Walker had a commanding presence and the charisma to spare. The Filibusters In 1850, Venezuelan-born Narciso Lopez led a group of mostly American mercenaries in an assault on Cuba. The goal was to take over the government and later attempt to become part of the United States. The state of Texas, which had broken off from Mexico a few years before, was an example of a region of a sovereign nation that had been taken over by Americans before gaining statehood. The practice of invading small countries or states with the intention of causing independence was known as filibustering. Although the U.S. government was in full expansionist mode by 1850, it frowned on filibustering as a way to expand the nations borders. Assault on Baja California Inspired by the examples of Texas and Lopez, Walker set out to conquer the Mexican states of Sonora and Baja California, which at that time were sparsely populated. With only 45 men, Walker marched south and promptly captured La Paz, the capital of Baja California. Walker renamed the state the Republic of Lower California, later to be replaced by the Republic of Sonora, declared himself president, and applied the laws of the State of Louisiana, which included legalized slavery. Back in the United States, word of his daring attack had spread. Most Americans thought Walkers project was a great idea. Men lined up to volunteer to join the expedition. Around this time, he got the nickname the gray-eyed man of destiny. Defeat in Mexico By early 1854, Walker had been reinforced by 200 Mexicans who believed in his vision and another 200 Americans from San Francisco who wanted to get in on the ground floor of the new republic. But they had few supplies, and discontent grew. The Mexican government, which could not send a large army to crush the invaders, nevertheless was able to muster up enough of a force to skirmish with Walker and his men a couple of times and keep them from getting too comfortable in La Paz. In addition, the ship that had carried him to Baja California sailed off against his orders, taking many of his supplies with it. In early 1854, Walker decided to roll the dice and march on the strategic city of Sonora. If he could capture it, more volunteers and investors would join the expedition. But many of his men deserted, and by May he had only 35 men left. He crossed the border and surrendered to American forces there, never having reached Sonora. On Trial Walker was tried in San Francisco in federal court on charges of violating United States neutrality laws and policies. Popular sentiment was still with him, however, and he was acquitted of all charges by a jury after only eight minutes of deliberating. He returned to his law practice, convinced that he would have succeeded with more men and supplies. Nicaragua Within a year, Walker was back in action. Nicaragua was a rich, green nation that had one great advantage: in the days before the Panama Canal, most shipping went through Nicaragua along a route that led up the San Juan River from the Caribbean, across Lake Nicaragua and then overland to the port of Rivas. Nicaragua was in the throes of a civil war between the cities of Granada and Leon to determine which city would have more power. Walker was approached by the Leon faction- which was losing- and soon rushed to Nicaragua with some 60 well-armed men. Upon landing, he was reinforced with another 100 Americans and almost 200 Nicaraguans. His army marched on Granada and captured it in October 1855. Because he was already considered supreme general of the army, he had no trouble declaring himself president. In May 1856, U.S. President Franklin Pierce officially recognized Walkers government. Defeat in Nicaragua Walker had made many enemies in his conquest. Greatest among them was perhaps Cornelius Vanderbilt, who controlled an international shipping empire. As president, Walker revoked Vanderbilts rights to ship through Nicaragua. Vanderbilt was enraged and sent soldiers to oust him. Vanderbilts men were joined by those of other Central American nations, chiefly Costa Rica, who feared that Walker would take over their countries. Walker had overturned Nicaraguas anti-slavery laws and made English the official language, which angered many Nicaraguans. In early 1857 the Costa Ricans invaded, supported by Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, as well as Vanderbilts money and men. Walkers army was defeated at the Second Battle of Rivas, and he was forced to return once again to the United States. Honduras Walker was greeted as a hero in the U.S., particularly in the South. He wrote a book about his adventures, resumed his law practice, and began making plans to try again to take Nicaragua, which he still believed to be his. After a few false starts, including one in which U.S. authorities captured him as he set sail, he landed near Trujillo, Honduras, where he was captured by the British Royal Navy. Death The British already had important colonies in Central American in British Honduras, now Belize, and the Mosquito Coast, in present-day Nicaragua, and they did not want Walker stirring up rebellions. They turned him over to Honduran authorities, who executed him by firing squad on Sept. 12, 1860. It is reported that in his final words he asked for clemency for his men, assuming the responsibility of the Honduras expedition himself. He was 36 years old. Legacy Walkers filibusters had a significant impact on southerners interested in maintaining slave-owning territory; even after his death, his example inspired the Confederacy. Central American countries, by contrast, saw their defeat of Walker and his armies as a source of pride. In Costa Rica, April 11 is celebrated as a national holiday to commemorate Walkers defeat at Rivas. Walker has also been the subject of several books and two movies. Sources The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. â€Å"William Walker.†Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 1 Mar. 2019.Levrier-Jones, George. â€Å"Man of Destiny: William Walker and the Conquest of Nicaragua.†History Is Now Magazine, 24 Apr. 2018.Norvell, John Edward, How Tennessee Adventurer William Walker became Dictator of Nicaragua in 1857: The Norvell Family origins of the Grey-Eyed Man of Destiny, The Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy and History, Vol XXV, No.4, Spring 2012
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Chemistry Definition of Gas Constant (R)
Chemistry Definition of Gas Constant (R) Chemistry and physics equations commonly include R, which is the symbol for the gas constant, molar gas constant, or universal gas constant. The Gas Constant is the physical constant in the equation for the Ideal Gas Law: PV nRT P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, and T is temperature. Its also found in the Nernst equation relating the reduction potential of a half-cell to the standard electrode potential: E E0 - (RT/nF)lnQ E is the cell potential, E0 is the standard cell potential, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, n is the number of mole of electrons exchanged, F is Faradays constant, and Q is the reaction quotient. The gas constant is equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, just expressed in units of energy per temperature per mole, while the Boltzmann constant is given in terms of energy per temperature per particle. From a physical standpoint, the gas constant is a proportionality constant that related the energy scale to the temperature scale for a mole of particles at a given temperature. Units for the gas constant vary, depending on other units used in the equation. One common value is 8.3145 J/mol ·K. Value of the Gas Constant The value of the gas constant R depends on the units used for pressure, volume and temperature. R 0.0821 liter ·atm/mol ·KR 8.3145 J/mol ·KR 8.2057 m3 ·atm/mol ·KR 62.3637 L ·Torr/mol ·K or L ·mmHg/mol ·K Why R Is Used for the Gas Constant Some people assume the symbol R is used for the gas constant in honor of the French chemist Henri Victor Regnault, who performed experiments that were first used to determine the constant. However, its unclear whether his name is the true origin of the convention used to denote the constant. Specific Gas Constant A related factor is the specific gas constant or individual gas constant. This may be indicated by R or Rgas. It is the universal gas constant divided by the molar mass (M) of a pure gas or mixture. This constant is specific to the particular gas or mixture (hence its name), while the universal gas constant is the same for an ideal gas.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Unmanned aerial vehicles future use from conventional airports Research Paper
Unmanned aerial vehicles future use from conventional airports - Research Paper Example The army is already surveying sites for these field tests of the system and also looking at the new means of certifying the new aviation standards that are required to ensure the safety of the system not only for other aircraft sharing the airspace as well as populations living near or around the airfields (, 2012). Social Implications When we look at the social implications of the use of drones, there has been a great deal of debate about the use of these aircraft for peacetime activities. While initially when the use of these crafts was limited to military strikes in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, the huge possibilities for their use in non-military situations – such as in crop and wildlife stock monitoring, search and rescue in dangerous weather and other conditions, fighting forest fires – has resulted in a great deal of debate about how their use would be regulated and monitored, particularly for reasons of safety. The UAV business is now valued at more than $14 billion and projections are that it will go up to $82 million and support over 70,000 jobs by 2015 (Jank & Armentrout, 2013). Another reason that has come up in the regulation of the use of UAVs has been the issue of privacy (Sengupta, 2013). UAVs can be used in monitoring border security from altitudes that would otherwise be dangerous for manned aircraft and this brings about many issues about the invasion of privacy as these UAVs are equipped with sophisticated imaging equipment that can carry out detailed surveillance and some even have capability of intercepting electronic communications (Electronic Privacy Information Centre, n.d.) These social and privacy concerns have to be dealt with before widespread use of drone technology is licensed and...The use of UAVs not only in civilian applications but also at conventional commercial airfields is now not a question of â€Å"if†but â€Å"when†as the technological, commercial and other barriers that hinder the expanded use of UAVs continue to be surmounted and overtaken. Technological Aspects One of the key technological barriers to the use of UAVs in more conventional flights has been the safety of these operations. The major difficulty has been that with conventional manned air transportation the presence of a pilot who can look outside his window and see any other aircraft that is near in the same area as them and take corrective action. This drawback has not only made it difficult for the UAVs to be used in the same airspace with other craft but it has also meant that the test and training flights of these UAVs have had to have a trailing manned aircraft making it expensive to conduct such training and in a way, defeating the whole purpose of unmanned aircraft. There are quite a slew of things that do need to be implemented before the UAVs can be incorporated into operation in the airspace currently occupied by manned aircraft, in particular the adaptation of air traffic management and air traffic control processes to cater for the new unmanned aircraft.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 28
History - Essay Example Since these pieces serve as the most powerful, reliable and authentic sources of exploring the social norms, cultural values, religious rituals, taboos, mores, traditions, conventions, folklore and festivals, the historians, archeologists, cultural anthropologists and intellectuals declare them as the most dynamic donation one has granted to his culture (Walton, 2006). The same is applied to the given passages and pictures representing the Tang and Song dynasties of Medieval China. The given literature endorses the very notion that the elite stratum of the then Chinese society used to enjoy leisure hours after the completion of the tasks and professional obligations of the stratum. Hence, it ratifies Theory of Leisure Class articulated by Thorstein Veblen in 1899 that the elite or leisure class consumes its free hours after work in gossiping, arranging parties and embarking upon literary pursuits (Veblen, 2007). Since this class contained time, resources and opportunities in plenty, it did not have to get worried regarding their income and expenditures etc. Consequently, the class was expected to consume money, take food, drink wine, make fun and rejoice itself through amusement and recreational activities. Renowned English poet of Classical Era Alexander Pope has also elucidated the revelry-making activities of the elite stratum by portraying the everlasting character of the protagonist Belinda in his illustrious Rape of the Lock. The history of ancient cultures of Greece and Rome portray the kings and queen as habitual to dissipation and immoral activities while enjoying their leisure hours (Blond, 2000). The same was the position of the ruling class of Ottoman Empire, India and France. The French Revolution 1789 was actually the thunderous reaction to the dissipation made by the royalty and courtiers at the expense of the poor and downtrodden masses, who paid heavy taxes and thus underwent hunger and starvation for many days for the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Elimination of the Electoral College Essay Example for Free
The Elimination of the Electoral College Essay With the recent election, a controversy has come up about the eliminating the Electoral College. The Electoral College is made up of a group of electors where they vote for the President and the Vice President based on the states popular vote for the candidate. There are 538 Electoral College votes and in order to win the election, a candidate must have a majority of 270 votes to become the President. When Americans cast their vote, they are actually casting votes for the electors who will then cast their votes for the candidate. So, what’s the issue? Well, the issue is that, â€Å"The current system has the problem that presidential campaigns concentrate on only ten of the fifty states, and at least four out of five Americans are left out of the process of deciding who their president should be,†according to John Koza. In this election alone, President Obama and Governor Romney have visited Ohio a total of seventy-one times because Ohio was a major battleground state. To add on, statistics show that President Obama and Governor Romney have spent about ninety- five percent of their time and money in only ten out of the fifty states. Why? Because those battleground states have citizens who are undecided as to which candidate they should vote for, whereas most of the citizens in other states are decided. Now, let’s say that there was no electoral college and the candidates won by popular vote, chances are that they will spend a lot of their time and money campaigning in heavily populated areas such as the New England states, the South, and the West Coast. This unit has mostly been about public opinion and political participation. It has also been about the election. We learned how people choose the president and we got a general idea about the Electoral College. The Electoral College plays a HUGE role in an election. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, the electors vote for a candidate based on the states popular vote. Take Virginia for example, if you were to look at the counties, you would see that a majority of them voted for Governor Romney. If you were to look at the heavily populated (urban) areas like Richmond or D.C., they voted for President Obama. So, what candidate did the electors place their vote for? President Obama. Just by looking at the map, one would think that Virginia voted republican. The Electoral College was an agreement between the election of a candidate by a vote in Congress and the election of a candidate by popular vote of citizens. I’m sure that back when the Electoral College was formed, no one questioned the fairness of it. The popular vote is basically being spilt from the Electoral College vote. In my opinion, the Electoral College should be eliminated because it should not be electors from each state deciding the â€Å"fate†of our country. It should be the citizens deciding the outcome of an election because after all, that is why we are allowed to vote. I feel that even though we are allowed to vote, our vote doesn’t really count because of the Electoral College. Voting is a great way for our votes to be heard and to exercise one of our many rights, but if the Electoral College is eliminated, then we might as well not vote. Works Cited Page Savage, George . George Savage: Time to eliminate the Electoral Madison WI news sports entertainment. N.p., 5 Nov. 2012. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. Jeunesse, William La. Time to eliminate the Electoral College? | Fox News. Fox News Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos News Videos. N.p., 5 Nov. 2012. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. . Is it time to eliminate the Electoral College? | TheGazette. Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines | Cedar Rapids, Iowa City. N.p., 6 Nov. 2012. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. .
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay on Behavior in All Quiet on the Western Front and Lord of the Fli
Comparison of Human Behavior in All Quiet on the Western Front and Lord of the Flies    An author's view of human behavior is often reflected in their works. The novels All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque and Lord of the Flies by William Golding are both examples of works that demonstrate their author's view of man, as well his opinion of war. Golding's Lord of the Flies is highly demonstrative of Golding's opinion that society is a thin and fragile veil that when removed shows man for what he truly is, a savage animal. Perhaps the best demonstration of this given by Golding is Jack's progression to the killing of the sow. Upon first landing on the island Jack, Ralph, and Simon go to survey their new home. Along the way the boys have their first encounter with the island's pigs. They see a piglet caught in some of the plants. Quickly Jack draws his knife so as to kill the piglet. Instead of completing the act, however, Jack hesitates. Golding states that, "The pause was only long enough for them to realize the enormity of what the downward stroke would be." Golding is suggesting that the societal taboos placed on killing are still ingrained within Jack. The next significant encounter in Jack's progression is his first killing of a pig. There is a description of a great celebration. The boys chant "Kill the pig. Cut her thr oat. Spill her blood." It is clear from Golding's description of the revelry that followed the killing that the act of the hunt provided the boys with more than food. The action of killing another living thing gives them pleasure. The last stage in Jack's metamorphosis is demonstrated by the murder of the sow. Golding describes the killing almost as a rape. He says, "Jack was on... ...ough the actions of his characters, attempts to illustrate that under chaotic circumstances, when removed normal society, man reverts to what his nature deems him to be, a destructive creature. Remarque's characters, on the other hand, manage to show compassion and humane treatment of others despite being thrust into a situation more terrible than that of Golding's characters. Where Golding feels war is a result of humankind's vile nature, Remarque sees it as an evil brought about by only a select few.  Works Cited Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Berkley, 1954. Babb, Howard S. The Novels of William Golding. N.p.: Ohio State UP, 1970. Beetz, Kirk H., ed. Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction. Vol. 5. Osprey: n.p., 1996. 5 vols. Epstein, E. L. Afterword. Lord of the Flies. By William Golding. New York: Berkley, 1954. Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ethical Leadership
The Importance of Ethical Leadership Ethical leadership is the foundation to successful leadership. There is no substitute for honesty and integrity inside and outside of the workplace. It is something that is extremely difficult to earn back. Once someone's ethical persona has been Jeopardized that person may not ever be able to regain it, especially if that person continues to work among the same peers. Ethical leadership sets the tone for the culture of the organization.In the article The Ethical Commitment to Compliance: Building Value-Based Cultures, it mentions that a study was done to ompare and contrast the effectiveness of a rules-and-punishment approach with a values-and-integrity approach to compliance. They found that programs had fewer reports of unethical conduct, higher levels of ethical awareness, more employees seeking advice about ethical issues, and a higher likelihood of employees reporting violations. These ethics are instilled from the leadership down to the emp loyees. There is clear empirical evidence that a leader and culture built on ethics will benefit the organization through the integrity of its employees. The rticle goes on to say that leaders of an organization can greatly improve the overall quality and integrity of the organization by focusing on the executive leader's policies and the actions of the supervisors to lead with procedural fairness.This shows that ethical leadership can be proven by the equality of the processes that are implemented. The article concludes that the â€Å"role for the ethics and compliance officer [is] a values-based approach, in which organizations seek to motivate employees to develop and act on ethical values†and that it â€Å"is a more effective pproach to managing rule adherence. †The value-based approached discussed in the article is instilled from the top down. It is important that the leadership of the organization establish this ethical standard.Once the employees understand th at ethics are the norm and values will be embraced, it is a lot easier for them to adhere to the ethical standards of the leadership. Any unethical behavior performed by leaders can potentially give peers an excuse to participate in unethical behavior themselves. In the article Who's With Me? False Consensus and Ethical Decision Making, it states â€Å"people tend to see their choices and attitudes as being consistent with others' choices and attitudes, which, in turn, leads them to interpret their actions and beliefs as ‘common and appropriate†.Leaders set the example. If they waiver on their perceived ethical behavior, it could have repercussions with their peers who let unethical behavior become more commonplace. This is further illustrated in the article Rational Cheaters vs. Intrinsic Motivators when it states â€Å"there are conscience-driven employees whose empathy toward their employer overns whether theyll consider cheating†. An employee's view of their leaders may potentially have a corresponding effect with how ethical they are in the workplace. Also you can read a rather interesting article about an Ethical Flaw.In the article The Leader Machine by Geoff Colvin, it states â€Å"most companies have enunciated values that include respect for the individual, good citizenship and integrity. When company leaders also become leaders of charities, schools, and other nonprofits, they snow their commitment to those values, encouraging and inspiring employees. †This example shows the importance of leadership choosing virtuous principles. Not only should leaders behave ethically, but it is also important to inspire their employees by participating in giving back to the community.Robert Mueller, in the chapter The Networking Leader, wonderfully summarizes â€Å"Trust, mutuality, and ethics are essential. The high road to success lies in cultivating authentic, win-win relationships, inside the organization and out, while operatin g at the highest standards of ethics. †Thus, the evidence continues to point out that ethical leadership is irreplaceable. It is vital to the health and success of any organization achieving for greatness. Ethical Leadership The Importance of Ethical Leadership Ethical leadership is the foundation to successful leadership. There is no substitute for honesty and integrity inside and outside of the workplace. It is something that is extremely difficult to earn back. Once someone's ethical persona has been Jeopardized that person may not ever be able to regain it, especially if that person continues to work among the same peers. Ethical leadership sets the tone for the culture of the organization.In the article The Ethical Commitment to Compliance: Building Value-Based Cultures, it mentions that a study was done to ompare and contrast the effectiveness of a rules-and-punishment approach with a values-and-integrity approach to compliance. They found that programs had fewer reports of unethical conduct, higher levels of ethical awareness, more employees seeking advice about ethical issues, and a higher likelihood of employees reporting violations. These ethics are instilled from the leadership down to the emp loyees. There is clear empirical evidence that a leader and culture built on ethics will benefit the organization through the integrity of its employees. The rticle goes on to say that leaders of an organization can greatly improve the overall quality and integrity of the organization by focusing on the executive leader's policies and the actions of the supervisors to lead with procedural fairness.This shows that ethical leadership can be proven by the equality of the processes that are implemented. The article concludes that the â€Å"role for the ethics and compliance officer [is] a values-based approach, in which organizations seek to motivate employees to develop and act on ethical values†and that it â€Å"is a more effective pproach to managing rule adherence. †The value-based approached discussed in the article is instilled from the top down. It is important that the leadership of the organization establish this ethical standard.Once the employees understand th at ethics are the norm and values will be embraced, it is a lot easier for them to adhere to the ethical standards of the leadership. Any unethical behavior performed by leaders can potentially give peers an excuse to participate in unethical behavior themselves. In the article Who's With Me? False Consensus and Ethical Decision Making, it states â€Å"people tend to see their choices and attitudes as being consistent with others' choices and attitudes, which, in turn, leads them to interpret their actions and beliefs as ‘common and appropriate†.Leaders set the example. If they waiver on their perceived ethical behavior, it could have repercussions with their peers who let unethical behavior become more commonplace. This is further illustrated in the article Rational Cheaters vs. Intrinsic Motivators when it states â€Å"there are conscience-driven employees whose empathy toward their employer overns whether theyll consider cheating†. An employee's view of their leaders may potentially have a corresponding effect with how ethical they are in the workplace. Also you can read a rather interesting article about an Ethical Flaw.In the article The Leader Machine by Geoff Colvin, it states â€Å"most companies have enunciated values that include respect for the individual, good citizenship and integrity. When company leaders also become leaders of charities, schools, and other nonprofits, they snow their commitment to those values, encouraging and inspiring employees. †This example shows the importance of leadership choosing virtuous principles. Not only should leaders behave ethically, but it is also important to inspire their employees by participating in giving back to the community.Robert Mueller, in the chapter The Networking Leader, wonderfully summarizes â€Å"Trust, mutuality, and ethics are essential. The high road to success lies in cultivating authentic, win-win relationships, inside the organization and out, while operatin g at the highest standards of ethics. †Thus, the evidence continues to point out that ethical leadership is irreplaceable. It is vital to the health and success of any organization achieving for greatness.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Health Education Tool Development Essay
Modify or create a health education tool that is appropriate for your participating family. Ensure that your tool achieves the following:  · Identifies the family’s health and educational needs  · Establishes educational goals and objectives  · Uses appropriate educational methods  · Uses the appropriate language and literacy level  · Is sensitive to the family’s cultural or religious background  · Makes use of the types of technology resources available to the family  · Include all supporting materials (handouts, Internet resources, demonstrations, or sample materials) Explain how you will deliver your health education tool to the participating family. Address the following:  · How the tool was selected, modified, or created  · Why the tool is appropriate for the family  · How the tool addresses the family’s health needs  · How the tool relates to the Healthy People 2020 Health Indicators  · How the tool coordinates with, complements, or replaces community health services  · If you modified an existing health education tool in any way, provide a reference to the original material. Prepare a 10-minute presentation of your health education tool. You many use one of the following formats:  · In class oral presentation  · Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® including speaker’s notes  · Video of yourself presenting the information uploaded to a video sharing website such as (Submit a link to your facilitator)  · Another format approved by your facilitator Note. You will not a†¦ Find needed answers here – Speak with your professors daily to build strong relationships. Professors are the ultimate resource and can do a lot to help you along the way. Be sure to help if the opportunity presents itself and ask a lot of questions. Maintaining these good relationships can be advantageous while you are going to college. General Questions – General General Questions Resources: Windshield Survey; Community Assessment; Family Assessment; and Assignment Grading Criteria: Health Education Tool Development and Presentation Modify or create a health education tool that is appropriate for your participating family. Ensure that your tool achieves the following:  · Identifies the family’s health and educational needs  · Establishes educational goals and objectives  · Uses appropriate educational methods  · Uses the appropriate language and literacy level  · Is sensitive to the family’s cultural or religious background  · Makes use of the types of technology resources available to the family  · Include all supporting materials (handouts, Internet resources, demonstrations, or sample materials) Explain how you will deliver your health education tool to the participating family. Address the following:  · How the tool was selected, modified, or created  · Why the tool is appropriate for the family  · How the tool addresses the family’s health needs  · How the tool relates to the Healthy People 2020 Health Indicators  · How the tool coordinates with, complements, or replaces community health services  · If you modified an existing health education tool in any way, provide a reference to the original material. Prepare a 10-minute presentation of your health education tool. You many use one of the following formats:  · In class oral presentation  · Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® including speaker’s notes  · Video of yourself presenting the information uploaded to a video sharing website such as (Submit a link to your facilitator)  · Another format approved by your facilitator Note. You will not actually deliver this health education tool to the participating family. The tool is developed and presented only to your classmates and facilitator. Submit the following with your assignm†¦
Friday, November 8, 2019
Essay on Nicaragua essays
Essay on Nicaragua essays Nicaragua was settled as a colony of Spain in the 1520s. In 1821, Nicaragua gained its independence and the country became an independent republic in 1838. Violent opposition to governmental manipulation and corruption spread to all classes by 1978. This resulted in a short civil war that brought the Marxist Sandinista guerrillas to power in 1979. Nicaraguan aid to leftist rebels in El Salvador caused the US to sponsor anti-Sandinista guerrillas in the 1980s. Free elections were held in 1990 and in 1996 saw the Sandinistas defeated. The country slowly rebuilt its economy in the 1990s but it was hit by Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and there was wide spread devastation. Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America and is a little bigger than New York. It covers 129,494 square kilometers and it borders Honduras and Costa Rica. Nicaragua has many mountains and fertile valleys while land covers about 120,254 square kilometers. There are three different major zones: 1.) Pacific lowlands, 2.) Central highlands, 3.) Caribbean lowlands. The temperature varies with altitude. The average temperature is 81 degrees in Costal regions. The Tierra Caliente or hot land is 30 degrees Celsius and the night temperatures are 21 to 24 degrees Celsius most of the year. It is usually warm and relative humid in Nicaragua. The Pacific lowlands are more health giving while the Caribbean lowlands are less so. In the east, the annual rainfall is a lot while the west there is not a lot of rainfall. May through October are the wettest months. Near the Costa Rican border, rain can total as much as 250 inches and the Caribbean coast gets more than 100 inches. Cordillera Isabelia is the highest of many mountain ranges that cut the highlands from east to west. The mountain is more than 6,890 ft. high. The range of volcanoes contributes to local earthquakes which rise along the pacific coast. In the east, the swampy Caribbean cos...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper -
Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper Top 10 Excuses You use to Put Off Writing That Paper One of the most difficult parts of writing a paper is getting started. There's something about taking that first step and sitting down to research and right that is so challenging to students. It is for this reason that you and other students often come up with excuses to put off the writing you should be doing right now. In fact, we've discovered that some excuses are really popular among students. Check out our top ten list of excuses that students like you use to put off writing that paper. Then, read our suggestions for getting past each excuse so that you can begin writing.    1. The Dorm Room is too Hectic Right Now First, take a minute to consider what you can do to make your place less hectic. Can you ask visitors to come back later? Can you turn down the volume on the tv? Can you close your bedroom door? If these steps don't solve your problem, there are plenty of quiet places to write on campus.    2. I am too Stressed Out From my Busy Day to Think Straight This is a valid reason to give yourself a thirty minute break. Take that time to watch an episode  of a television show, to check your Facebook, or to take a nice hot shower. Then, start writing. There's no need to waste an entire evening without being at least a little productive.    3. I May not be Writing But I am Thinking About the Assignment If you do this, you are probably coming up with some very good ideas. Unfortunately, if you aren't writing them down, you won't recall most of these ideas later on. At the very least, you should be typing your thoughts into Evernote.    4. I Do My Best Work During the Day/Night Everybody has times when they are more productive than others. If you are truly better off with research paper writing during another time of day, that is fine. This is when you should be working on the more intense portions of your paper. However, you can still do a bit of note taking or light editing right now.    5. There are New Episodes of Orange is the New Black on Netflix This is totally understandable. Go ahead and watch one episode, but then write for at least thirty minutes before watching another.    6. I Haven't Gone Out With Friends in Over a Week Unfortunately, you may have to make it another day without your friends. If you really want to see your friends, invite them over for a homework session.        7. I'll Do it Right After I Clean my Room This is fine if your room is truly so messy that it is distracting. Just make sure that you aren't rearranging your CD collection two hours later instead of writing your paper.    8. I Need to Get Some Sleep. I Will Start in the Morning If you are truly sleep deprived, you are making a good decision. If your version of sleep is scrolling through Tumblr while laying in bed, you can probably at least get out a paragraph or  two.    9. I Cannot Think of a Topic Good news! There is a solution to this. It involves sitting down and brainstorming topic ideas. If you are truly stuck, try hitting the internet for some inspiration.    10. I Just Don't Understand the Subject Focus on what you do know. If you aren't able to get any writing done, you can try spending some time writing out some questions for your instructor. This way you can get a bit of clarification.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business Decision Making - Essay Example Reason for colleting the primary and secondary data for the given business problem helps to reach the authentic decision to advice the clients in Spain, France and Italy. As the manager of the company, preparation of most suitable plan for primary and secondary data collection is very much necessary. â€Å"Data Collection helps your team to assess the health of your process. To do so, you must identify the key quality characteristics, you will measure, how you will measure them, and what you will do with the data you collect†(Module 7: Data Collection n.d. p. 1). Here I am working for the manager of a property company in UK and also at the same time our company deals with properties in other places like Spain, France and Italy. There are more than 100 clients, who are interested in buying properties particularly in Spain. That’s the reason why, all these countries are frequently asking questions regarding the property. Taking in to the mind the respondents, it is th e best way to get the information appropriate. This enables to understand various revealed complexities. Primary Data:       Primary research method is one of the widely used methods to collect information from the respondents in order to make the proper decision regarding the sell or renting the property. The primary methods are used to make the most appropriate decision and also to give advice to the overseas Questioners and survey. Primary research has been selected for the reason that primary research offers the creative information that is required for the function of the study and is primarily required for the study. It is prepared by gathering of primary information. Questionnaires Method:       Questionnaires method is one of methods used to gather information from the target customers to acquire the relevant information. A questionnaire is one of the well-built research apparatus and it encloses the various questions and some of the other suitable matters for the reason of gathering data's from clients. After the information collected from the questionnaire, next step is to study the information with the help tables and charts. The structuring of questionnaire is on the score base, which facilitates the respondent to take the appropriate decision. Majority of the questions in this are based on given situation. This supports the foreign countries to respond without doubt. The questionnaire is arranged in a simple way, which makes him to pursue the pattern in an easy way. Most of the questions are arranged in a simple way, to help the clients to follow the questions easily. Questionnaires consist of 10 main questions that will helps to make the most appropriate decision. The structuring of questionnaire should be cautiously designed in accordance to the preconditions of accuracy and relevance. Questionnaires are an appraisal method, which is very well-known to most educators. â€Å"Questionnaires, paper or elec tronic, consist of a set of questions or items that are designed for a selected group of people, such as teachers, administrators, parents, students, or others. Questionnaires vary in length, focus, and types of items, such as checklists, scaled items or open-ended questions and are particularly useful in gathering data from large groups of people about perceptions, attitudes, intended actions or application of learning†(Preparing to Collect Data n.d.).  Survey Method:       Surveys are one of the approaches used to gather the data's to investigate and make a proper idea regarding the business problem. It is the method that the majority of the organizations use to collect the clients view on given subject. â€Å"The Survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people, who are thought to have desired information. A formal
Friday, November 1, 2019
A Plan For Productivity Improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A Plan For Productivity Improvement - Essay Example This plan may be improved if Grady would consider motivating the employees to accomplish the organization’s goals. Here, instead of asking them to set personal goals, Grady should encourage them to contribute ideas that would be considered when setting the goals of the organization. This would not only ensure that the employees feel that they are valued and that they have control of the organization’s decisions to a significant extent but also create goals that are unanimously accepted. Moreover, instead of concentrating on motivating them using money, Grady can consider different ways such as improving the working environment to make it safer. The chances that the employees would lose interest of Grady’s plan after a short success are high. This is because employees require flexibility so as to maintain a lively atmosphere. In order to ensure that the organization remains lively, creativity is called upon to not only improve the existing strategies to make them better but also establish new ones. This would not only guarantee higher productivity from the employees but also ensure organization’s survival amid competition. Therefore, the organization must devise strategies to not only improve it but also ensure that it does to bring boredom to the
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