Sunday, May 24, 2020
The African Pygmy Genocide - 527 Words
They started killing people and eating them ... I saw them cutting up human flesh, then they were putting it on a fire to grill it. I got scared and ran away, not knowing what else happened behind me. a quote from Amuzati N, a Bambuti Pygmy who escaped a massacre by a rebel group in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This was just one of the many atrocities the African Pygmies has experienced in the past. Pygmies are the indigenous people of Africa. For millions of years they lived in the jungles of Congo, where they maintained their unique relationship with nature. But the mid-1970s, the Mobutu government, a government led by Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa Za Banga who was the President of Republic of the Congo decided that many of the lush Congo forests were National Parks, and the pygmy people were evicted. The eviction wasn’t the genocide itself but it was a large contributor on how it will leave the people vulnerable in the open. The genocide was a mass killing includin g cannibalism since the local rebel thought that the Pygmy flesh had â€Å"magical powers†And also women were raped because it is said if you sleep with a woman it will relieve back pain. With the average man standing 4 feet 11 inches tall, these small people live in small bands that range from 15-70 people making them vulnerable to rebel militia forces. These African Pygmy people are not farmers, but they are hunters of wild animals and gatherers of roots and honey. Yet, unlike most of our past humanShow MoreRelatedThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1102 Words  | 5 Pagespeople were murdered and tortured for their African heritage. The Rwanda genocide is considered to be one of the worst massacres the world has ever seen since the Holocaust. This paper will touch a few things that occurred after the massacre, and will also answer the questions of why this massacre started, what occurred during this genocide. 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(Lewis, 1968) Eventually, this time period became known as the Genocide of Amazon Indians, in which more than six million Indians had been sent to extinction by the negative effects of civilization. In 1969, British citizens created an organization in London, England, known as Survival International after hearing the devastating report of the genocide of Amazon Indians. (Survival International Website) They were strongly moved by a newspaper article in Britain’sRead MoreCambodia, Congo, And Jamaica2373 Words  | 10 PagesProtectorate. (Marston 2015) A tribunal known as the ECCC (Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia) was established by agreement between Cambodia and the UN to prosecute senior members of the Khmer Rouge for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, and trials began in 2009. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The reliability of eyewitness testimony has become a...
The reliability of eyewitness testimony has become a popular research topic in applied and social psychology since Loftus and Palmer’s study in 1974 (see Steblay, 1997; Wright Loftus, 1998; Deffenbacher, Bornstein, Penrod, McGorty, for reviews). Participants viewed videos or slides of traffic accidents (Loftus Palmer, 1974) or a criminal act (Roediger, Jacoby, McDermott, 1996; Cutler, Penrod, Martens, 1987) and afterwards were asked several questions about what they had just seen. The manipulation in studies was that the researchers did not ask the same question to all participant, but instead changed the wording of one critical detail in the question. In Loftus and Palmer’s study, some of the subjects were asked â€Å"About how fast†¦show more content†¦However, â€Å"discussion among victims or witnesses to a crime is difficult, if not impossible to prevent’’ (Yarmey, 1992, p. 252). The concern that witnesses might talk to each other has been confirmed by a survey conducted in Australia (Paterson Kemp, 2006). They found that if the respondent had witnessed a serious event and there was a co-witness present, 86% of the respondents had discussed the witnessed event together, of which 63% percent had done so immediately after the witnessed event. In another survey by Paterson and Kemp (2005), police officers confirmed the observation that co-witnesses frequently discuss the witnessed event together, and also indicated that such discussions are difficult to prevent. Discussion between eyewitnesses seems inevitable, and several researchers have emphasized the negative effects of discussion on group memory, such as memory distortion, (Basden, Basden, Bryner, Thomas 1997; Weldon, Bellinger, 1997), or memory conformity (Wright Schwartz, 2008; French, Garry, Mori, 2008) that occurs due to the group process. Whereas the first refers to the effect that an individual’s memory is altered by new information, the secon d refers to the phenomenon of someone’s memory being altered as a result of the influence of other people’s memories On the other hand, little research has been conducted regarding the possible positive effects of discussion on eyewitness memory recall.Show MoreRelatedCatherine Malasa2300 Words  | 10 PagesCHRESO UNIVERSITY DISTANCE EDUCATION NAME OF SCHOOL: FACULTY OFBUSINESS, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL SCIENCES COMPUTER NO: PROGRAM: BARCHELAR of SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS COURSE CODE: PSY 501 LECTURER: SIKABELE CHIKUBA STUDENT: CATHERINE MALASA SEMESTER: 1ST SEMESTER 1ST YEAR ASSIGNMENT: NO 1 DUE DATE:Read MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesby Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California USA in 1993 with ISBN number 0-534-17688-7. When Wadsworth decided no longer to print the book, they returned their publishing rights to the original author, Bradley Dowden. The current version has been significantly revised. If you would like to suggest changes to the text, the author would appreciate your writing to him at iv Praise Comments on the earlier 1993 edition, published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, which
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Persuasive Tone of The Flea Essay - 766 Words
The Persuasive Tone of The Flea John Donne, a member of metaphysical school in the Seventeenth century, exhibited his brilliant talent in poetry. In The Flea, he showed the passion to his mistress via persuasive attitude. The tone might straightforwardly create playfulness or sinfulness; yet, the poem contains none of either. What impress readers most is situation and device. The situation between the speaker and the audience is persuasion, love or marriage. As to device, the notable parts are diction and rhetoric skills. Furthermore, unique characteristics of this poem are also an important element of his persuasive tone. First of all, the situation created by Donne is remarkable. Although there is only one†¦show more content†¦More than the effect, it also has an implication. The flea having sucked his blood and then hers, he takes a far bolder step and suggest that because their blood in now mixed in the fleas body, they are in some meaningful physical way joined already.i[i] Finally, The Flea contains two major unique characteristics. One of Donnes most successful effects is sudden contrast.ii[ii] The insect seems to be no connection with romance, but by sucking blood of two characters of the poem, the flea builds a bridge between the two persons that surprises many readers.  ¡Ã‚ ¥The Flea seems particularly unerotic in character, extraordinarily preoccupied with ethical and social, particularly marital, matters ¡K. but also transforms the sexual seduction lyric into a more serious persuasion to full affectionate and physical loving.iii[iii] The other is Donnes skill, dramatic monologue. In both line one of the first and the second stanzas, the poet began with strong voice. Later in the following lines of the two stanzas, Donne himself explained his reasons logically. The only difference is his attitude. The tone of stanza two is stronger than stanza one, and stanza three is even stronger than stanza two; therefore, in killing it the poets mistress would commit, not only murder on him, a crime she is injured to, but suicide and sacrilege.iv[iv] To the end, The Flea describes aShow MoreRelatedEssay about Metaphysical Poetry - the flea + sune rising1703 Words  | 7 Pagesavert him from reaching his desires. This is incalculably recognized in his two poems, â€Å"The Sunne Rising†and â€Å"The Flea†where Donne’s arguments challenge some beliefs of the 17th century England. Through â€Å"The Sunne Rising†we gain a sense of meaning that Donne is irritated and perplexed with new discoveries and that he believes his love is everything in the whole world. In â€Å"The Flea†we can see Donne challenging the social costumes of the 17th century, such as chastity of women, his tremendous persistenceRead MoreJohn Donnes The Flea: Poetry Analysis786 Words  | 3 PagesReport Card: 1. The Flea (1633) 2. John Donne (1572-1631) 3. The flea is the main metaphor/character in the poem, symbolizing the union between the man and the woman, the other two subjects of the poem, who are inferior to the power that the flea holds upon them and their union, whether intimate or otherwise. 4. The man and the woman (i.e. the writer and the woman courted) are secondary characters in this poem and, as mentioned above, are influenced by the flea, which is the main symbolRead MoreEssay on Sexual Meaning in John Donnes Poem, The Flea1471 Words  | 6 PagesFollowing a unique poetic language of the Renaissance, John Donnes ‘The Flea is a poem illustrating the metaphor of a flea to represent the sexual act and relations between a man and woman. Portrayed through language, imagery, and structure John Donnes poem is one of conceit and seduction, as the speaker (assumed to be a man) follows a consistent pattern of persuasion to have premarital sex with a woman. Written during the 17th century, John Donne utilizes an unconventional genre in his poemRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Flea By John Donne1033 Words  | 5 Pagesexample, in the poem, â€Å"The Flea†, by John Donne, initially it referred to a flea biting the speaker but as the reader proceeds further the perspective changes from this flea into the larger picture, which is a humorous little debate whether the speaker and his beloved will partake in premarital sex or not. Donne chose to word the poem in a format very similar to Frost’s definition of poetry. Donne begins using the flea as an analogy and this translates into the persuasive diction where the speakerRead MoreLove in To His Coy Mistress and The Flea Essay1850 Words  | 8 PagesLove in To His Coy Mistress and The Flea Both To His Coy Mistress, by Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) and The Flea, by John Donne (1572-1631) present different attitudes to love. Both are also structured very differently and occasionally use contrasting imagery. Each poem was written in the 17th century, just after the Renaissance. The poets were metaphysical poets. Although the metaphysic was originally a derogatory term, metaphysical poetry used intellectual and theologicalRead MoreCritical Commentary on to His Coy Mistress1563 Words  | 7 Pagesof the stanza starts with ‘but’. In this stanza, Marvell refers to the pure speed and certainty of time: ‘time’s winged chariot hurrying near’ (ll.22). This refers to Roman mythology and to the poets point that time flies; this attaches a sinister tone to the second stanza. This is emphasised when he compares their lives to the ‘deserts of vast eternity’ (ll.24). The poet goes on to talk about how her ‘beauty shall no more be found; [...] that long-preserved virginity (ll.25-28). This illustratesRead MoreThe Flea, By Andrew Marvell996 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Donne s, The Flea, and Andrew Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress are persuasive poem in which the speaker is attempting to establish a sexual union with his significant other. These poems is spoken by a male lover to his female beloved as an attempt to convince her to sleep with him. John Donne and Marvell brings out and shapes this meaning through his collective use of conceit, rhythm, and rhyme scheme. The basic theme of the poems is the speaker’s need to turn his â€Å"coy mistress†into a â€Å"willingRead MoreEssay on The Flea by John Donne2357 Words  | 10 PagesThe Flea by John Donne â€Å"The Flea†, a witty poem of seduction and conceit, taken from John Donne’s â€Å"Songs and Sonets†is the poem that I have chosen to compare to â€Å"Song†, another poem of John Donne’s where he is passionately pleading with his wife not to be disheartened about his departure abroad. Both poems which belong to â€Å" Songs and Sonets†, written around the time of the 16th century, show that their title suggests they are both short poems, following the traditional form of a sonnetRead More Persuading their Mistresses in The Flea and To His Coy Mistress4822 Words  | 20 PagesPersuading their Mistresses in The Flea and To His Coy Mistress Examine the ways in which the poets in The Flea and To His Coy Mistress try to persuade their mistresses. Both The Flea by John Donne and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell are seduction poems, written by the poets to seduce their mistresses. Both have three stanzas and a basic couplet rhyming structure. Donne and Marvell are metaphysical poets from the 17th century. They have taken simple ideas and stretched them farRead More Love in To His Coy Mistress, Shall I Compare Thee, Let Me Not, and The Flea3166 Words  | 13 PagesMe Not, and The Flea The four poems I am going to be comparing are, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress,†â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee,†â€Å"Let Me Not,†and â€Å"The Flea.†All four of these poems are based on the subject matter of love. The four poems have a lot in common but each poem touches a different aspect of love. Two of the poems, â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee†, and â€Å"Let Me Not†, are sonnets and both were written by Shakespeare. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†is written by Andrew Marvell and â€Å"The Flea†was written by John
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Harnischfeger Corporation free essay sample
Describe clearly the accounting changes Harnischfeger made in 1984 as stated in Note 2 of its financial statements. Harnischfeger made two accounting changes from which one made its net sales increase, and the second change made its net income increase. For the net sales increases, they included sales from certain foreign subsidiaries which increased their net sales. Also, in the past when having sold equipment generated from their supplier Kobe Steel, they only included the gross margin from the sale of Kobe originated equipment, but now they include the net sales products purchased from Kobe and sold by Harnischfeger. This was done mainly to reflect more effectively on the transactions between the corporation and Kobe, since they were now working with a long-term supply agreement which was part of their restructuring plans. The other change was to use the straight-line method for the computation of depreciation expenses for plants, machinery and equipment. This changed method of computing depreciation made their net income rise by million. We will write a custom essay sample on Harnischfeger Corporation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. What is the effect of the depreciation accounting method change on the reported income in 1984? How will this change affect profits in future years? Depending on the useful life of the asset being depreciated, salvage value and purchase price, the straight line method (used in accounting changes for Harnischfeger), this computing method will spread the depreciation expense evenly in the useful life. Whereas the accelerated method of depreciation uses larger depreciation values in the beginning years of the assets useful life, and for the remaining years it is a lower expense until becoming zero. The overall effect per year on net income with straight line methods is to make it appear a bit higher (depends on what type of business, manufacturing business makes net income higher since the cost of manufacturing equipment is usually very high leading to larger depreciation expense values). In the future years net income will remain steady using straight line depreciation methods, and when depreciation ends with the assets useful life, it will either be disposed giving a temporary increase in net income or will be replaced with a new asset with a new depreciation expense. 3. What is the effect of the depreciation lives change? How will this change affect future reported profits? If the depreciation lives changes, there can be two of the following consequences:a) If the plant, property and manufacturing quipment are used for less time than the indicated useful life, the future profits could decrease if there is no productivity. Overhead expenses would reduce, but depreciation would still continue and would make profits smaller. b) If the plant, property and manufacturing equipment are used for a longer period than the estimated useful life, then the depreciation will reduce by the end of the useful life, but the maintenance expense will increase because as these assets g et older, they need constant maintenance. If production output is not high enough to compensate maintenance expense, then profits could reduce. 4. The depreciation accounting changes assume that Harnischfeger’s plant and machinery will last longer and will lose their value more slowly. Given the business conditions Harnischfeger was facing in its primary industries in 1984, are these economic assumptions justified? The case said that they used straight line depreciation method in the accounting change, but it doesnt mean that the plant and machinery will last longer, the useful life of the plant and machinery will be the same. The only way it lasts longer is because less of it is being used because now Harnischfeger is buying their equipment from overseas to save on manufacturing costs and increase their profit. It is true that it will lose the value more slowly because the depreciation expense is divided in the years of useful life of the equipment. Are these economic assumptions justified? In my opinion, they are not. There is no credible forecast or sales leads that show that profits will continue at that steady stream, so in my opinion these depreciation accounting changes are just temporary measurers to first appease creditors and restore confidence to attract investment. To be able to justify economic assumptions, it would be better to see through two quarters of the following accounting period to see if the company made any significant changes rather than just cost cutting and accounting changes to increase net income. 5. In Note 7, Harnischfeger describes the effect of LIFO inventory liquidation on its reported profits in 1984. Describe what is meant by LIFO liquidation and how liquidation affects a company’s income statement and balance sheet. LIFO liquidation means that a company show that it has sold its oldest inventories first. Since LIFO means to sell inventory that last came in first, LIFO liquidation occurs when a company makes it appear that it sold its oldest inventory first. This inflates profits because the old purchase price will be used ith a new selling price assuming inflation. Consequently, LIFO liquidation makes it look like the company made more money in the given accounting period. For the given period, LIFO liquidation bolsters the net income in the income statement, and in the balance sheet the inventory would be less valuable because it is recorded at the historical cost, rather than the current cost. 6. Note 8, states Harnischfeger’s allowance for doubtful accoun ts. Compute the ratio of the allowance to gross receivables (receivables before the allowance) in 1983 and 1984. What would the allowance have been if the company maintained the ratio at the 1983 level? How much did the pre-tax income increase as a result of the changed ratio in 1984? | 1984 | 1983 | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts | $5,900,000 | $6,400,000 | Net Accounts receivable | $87,648,000 | $63,740,000 | Gross Receivables | $93,548,000 | $70,140,000 | Ratio | 6. 31% | 9. 12% | If the company would have maintained their ratio at the 1983 level of 9. 12%, the allowance for doubtful accounts would have been $8,535,888. 2. The pre-tax increased by 2. 81% (9. 12% 6. 31%) 7. Note 9, page 216, states that Harnischfeger decreased Ramp;D expense in 1984 relative to the previous two years. Do you think this change was motivated by business considerations or accounting considerations? How did this change affect the company’s reported profits in 1984? On Kobes side, this change was motivated by business considerations since it would benefit a lot because Harnischfeger phased out its own man ufacturing of construction cranes and buys it from Kobe. Aside from that Harnischfeger would hold the exclusive distribution for Kobe-built cranes in the United States, so this Ramp;D cooperation agreement helps Kobe to manufacture products that are jointly developed. I believe that on Harnischfegers side the change is motivated by both accounting and business considerations because Harnischfeger must show profits this year to show that its restructuring plan has given favorable results and returned the company back to success, and since it needs to be still in business but is phasing out the manufacturing of construction cranes, it still has the ability to sell by ourcing it from another supplier (Kobe). In 1984, the Ramp;D expense reduced by 137% for Harnischfeger since Ramp;D was now in joint cooperation with Kobe steel and was going to be funded in a term of 3 years, considering a total cost of $17 million starting from year 1984. This huge saving of 137% in Ramp;D can be extrapolated in the total reduction of 19% in the Product develo pment, selling and administrative expenses from year 1983 to 1984. Their interest expenses, and provisions for income taxes increased in 1984, but the savings in Ramp;D were good enough to show remarkable change from a net loss in 1983 to a net income in 1984. 8. Note 11, describes a number of changes in Harnischfeger’s pension plans in 1984. Describe these changes as clearly as you can. What are the economic consequences of these changes to Harnischfeger and its workers? Pension expenses are reduced from $12. 2 million in 1982 to $1. 9 million in 1984. Net assets for employee benefits dropped from $124,2 millions in 1983 to $62 million in 1984. The reason for restructuring being that the program was over funded. The excess plan assets that totaled $39. 3 million reverted to Harnischfeger on receiving regulatory approval from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. This money has been added to the Accrued Pension Costs and will be amortized to income over the next ten year period. The other effect is that the The US Salaried Employees Plan was restructured and reduced the pension expense by $4. million. The actuarial gains of $39. 3 million are going to be amortized to income over the next 10 years starting from 1984. The economic consequences to Harnischfeger are substantial gains and income over the next ten years in their financial statements. The consequences for the workers are that their retirement benefits and pension plans are no longer going to contribute as much to their benefits as they did in the past. 9. How did the p ension plan changes affect Harnischfeger’s financial statements in 1984? Are these changes likely to affect future profits? Harnischfeger got actuarial gains of $39. 3 million which will be amortized as income over the next years starting from 1984 for the next ten years. This translate to an profit of $3. 93 million each year over a period of ten years. 10. Summarize all the accounting changes Harnischfeger made in 1984, and their effects on pre-tax profits and cash flows in 1984. The changes made by Harnischfeger and their respective effects on pre-tax profits are as follow:a) Changes in depreciation computation to traight-line methods: makes the net income appear stable and steady and reduces the larger expenses brought in in the initial years of accelerated depreciation, therefore shows slightly higher net incomesb) LIFO liquidation: inflates profits for the accounting period where liquidation was donec) Changes in ratio of allowance for doubtful debts: could increase profit by the change in the ratio from 1983 to 1984d) Decreased its Ramp;D expense, and got it funded by Kobe: huge decrease in their own expenditure, and funded by Kobe through a 3 year agreemente) Restructuring of its pension plans: got back $39. million of actual gains that would be amortized and distributed as income for the following years 11. Accounting statements are used by investors, lenders, customers, employees, and governments in dealing with Harnischfeger. Among these groups, who is most likely to â€Å"see through†the above accounting changes, and who is least likely to do so? I think the first ones to â€Å"see through†the accounting changes above thoroughly are going to be the employees who are currently working and the ones who were laid off as they might wonder how did the company show profit after a deep net loss in the past year. Government (regulators) are also likely to see this since Harnischfeger has become a â€Å"turnaround†stock within a year. Investors are concerned more with their per share profits, and lenders have been paid with newly raised capital. 2. Are the accounting changes likely to help or to hinder Harnischfeger’s ability to implement its business plan? Be as specific as possible. We must acknowledge facts before deciding if it will help or hinder. a) The period of overall recession did not only hit Harnischfeger, but many industries in the US and the world. b) Many of these affected companies were publicly listed corporations in the stock market, and feared a collapse due to fearful investors. ) Many if not all of the accounting changes that were questionable in nature such as (LIFO liquidation, actuarial gains, depreciation method changes) were done on purpose to save the company from a share price plummeting and keep or restore investors confidence until it devised a proper plan to grow once things were back to normal. These accounting have already helped Harnischfeger to implement its business plan because it already raised $150 million more, which it used to pay back its debts and use their current assets and strategic agreements ith foreign investors and suppliers to further grow. 13. Overall, what is your assessment of Harnischfeger’s future as of 1984? The future of Harnischfeger is promising, but the corporation must seek to diversify into more product lines and seek ways to reduce its cost by outsourcing the manufacturing of certain parts more than it is currently doing, and produce a more aggressive business plan that will secure a good amount of sales in th e near future. I think that the accounting changes and manipulation of figures and cutting on employee benefits were drastic and questionable to a point, but were measures taken to confront the most immediate problems. In that process the corporation realized many past mistakes and started to seek newer ways for growth. If the companys plans were a simply a scam, then the directors and top officers would have simply let the company collapse and run away with their compensations.
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